Practical Client Side Path Traversal Attacks

Check my report in HackerOne for more details



Client Side Path Traversal attacks arises when a web application loads some content using XmlHTTPRequests (XHR for short) and the user have control over some section of the path where to load the resource. This may lead to archieve many kind of Client Side issues such as XSS, CSSi, etc if not correctly sanitized.

The impact depends of each application because each one treat that user controllable inputs in the javascript in a different way and with a different purpose. That’s why the context of each parameter really matters.

You can test for this issues in two ways:

  • Manually reading the javascript code and understanding it. Specifically checking for GET parameters used within the application and appended to any URL Path.
  • Inspecting the XHR Requests in the browser console and checking for some user controllable input in the path of any request made by the application.

If you use the second option you will miss a lot of bugs because you depends of knowing what parameters are susceptible to be vulnerable. Maybe some parameter is not used in the UI but the javascript is using it.

An alternative approach is to combine both methods. You can check for parameter reflection in XHR Requests and then understand how the javascript is handling that parameter.

Now I will share a practical scenario I found in Acronis Program, a CSS Injection via Client Side Path Traversal + Open Redirect leading to exfiltrate personal information of the user. Thanks to Acronis program for letting me disclose this report, it’s indeed my favourite bug ever found.


To identify this kind of attacks, we’ll apply the following methodology:

Methodology image

Javascript Code Case

In this section I will explain how I found the bug. Once we login in our Acronis account, if we dig into the main javascript code can see something like that, I added some comments to the code to make it more simple (I just copied the vulnerable code, not all of them)

  Function loaded once the user is logged in
  Take a look that the vulnerable function 'makeCssLink' is being called
function loadProfileAndBranding()
  var n = createXHR('GET', '/api/1/profile', !0);

  onXHRSuccess(n, (function ()
    r.profile = JSON.parse(n.responseText);
    var e = createXHR('GET', '/api/1/brands/' + r.profile.brand, !0);
    onXHRSuccess(e, (function ()
      r.branding = JSON.parse(e.responseText),
      document.title = r.branding.service_name || document.title,
      areTermsAccepted(r.profile, r.branding) || redirectToLoginApp(!0),
      // If the Request have the parameter 'color_scheme' append the value to the CSS URL where to load
      // If not, loads the default CSS
      makeCssLink(getThemeHref(getParameterByName('color_scheme') || r.branding.color_scheme))

  This function just create a 'style' tag to load
  the CSS with the URL received as the first parameter
function makeCssLink(e)
  var r = document.createElement('link');
  r.href = e,
  r.type = 'text/css',
  r.rel = 'stylesheet', = 'screen,print', = 'branded-theme';
  var t = document.getElementsByTagName('head') [0],
  n = t.getElementsByTagName('style') [0];

  r.onload = function ()
    var e = document.getElementById('loaders-style');
    e && t.removeChild(e)
  n ? t.insertBefore(r, n) : t.appendChild(r)

  This function returns the relative URL where to load the CSS.
  Check the 'e' parameter is user controllable and not sanitized
function getThemeHref(e)
  return 'theme.' + e + '.css?v=' + app_version

  This function just returns the value of a GET parameter
function getParameterByName(e, r)
  r || (r = window.location.href),
  e = e.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&');
  var t = new RegExp('[?&]' + e + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)').exec(r);
  if (!t) return null;
  if (!t[2]) return '';
  const n = decodeURIComponent(t[2].replace(/\+/g, ' ')),  
  return n;

// Finally, we call the main function once the user logged in the application


Nice, in this point once understood the javascript let’s look how to exploit it.

Let’s say the website is under the domain of

If we go to the main page which is with the color_scheme GET parameter found in the javascript, we can see by reading the code that it will get the parameter value and make a GET request concatenating the previous value to a Relative URL where to load the CSS file, in this case theme.{COLOR_SCHEME_PARAMETER}.css.

For the previous URL the CSS requested will be

Logo image

Since any path sanitization is done in the javascript code at the time of making the XHR Request. It’s possible to perform a Client Side Path Traversal and request the CSS file from other path that the intended one by inserting the values \ and / or URL Encoded %5C and %2F in the parameter.

For example, if you go to:

You will notice the CSS is loaded from, confirming the Client Side Path Traversal issue.

Logo image

This little issue doesn’t appear to be any security issue apart from breaking the interface but if we combine it with a Open Redirect it’s possible to make a request to the open redirect endpoint and redirect the request to the domain where our CSS file is stored. This attack is possible because when we load any CSS file by default it follows all the redirects specified in the HTTP header Location.

While looking at the HTTP requests to see if I could find any Open Redirect and demonstrate the impact I notice one interesting API endpoint:{CLIENT_ID} &redirect_uri=%2Fhci%2Fcallback &response_type=code &scope=openid &state=http://localhost &nonce=bhgjuvrrvpwauibleqhvfqat

Notice the state GET parameter is controllable by the user so we can specify any external domain where to redirect the user and it’s valid for any account. The HTTP flow will looks like this:

  GET /api/2/idp/authorize/?client_id={CLIENT-ID}&redirect_uri=%2Fhci%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=openid&state=http://localhost&nonce=bhgjuvrrvpwauibleqhvfqat HTTP/1.1
  Host: ...

  HTTP/1.1 302 Found
  Location: /hci/callback=code={CODE}&state=http://localhost
  GET /hci/callback=code={CODE}&state=http://localhost HTTP/1.1
  Host: ...

  HTTP/1.1 302 Found
  Location: http://localhost

  Open Redirect confirmed


Once we confirmed the Client Side Path Traversal and Open Redirect let’s put it all together to make a working exploit.

We know that when we load any CSS file it follows all the redirects specified in the HTTP header Location, so, if we are able to overwrite the relative path to the vulnerable Open Redirect endpoint, and specify the redirect to the CSS file of our server, we will make the user to load the CSS file of our domain, leading to exfiltrate user personal information located in the DOM by using CSS properties.

By putting together these two tricks let’s say the color_sheme GET parameter have the following value:


In order to work the exploit the parameters needs to be URL encoded. Let’s decode the parameter to a better understanding:


You will notice that the first thing we do in the previous payload is Overwrite the Relative Path to the root directory of the app. Then, we specify the endpoint vulnerable to the Open redirect and in this vulnerable endpoint redirect the user to http://localhost/core/css.css where is in my case the CSS file stored used to exfiltrate the user personal information.

As a result, the browser will load my CSS and we can exfiltrate personal data about the user.

The final URL to load the external CSS will looks like this:

Make sure you correctly URL encode it.

Logo image

Excellent, we successfully injected the CSS file from our remote server leading to exfiltrate all the information found in the DOM via CSS properties.In the next video you can see the full PoC as well:

Final Thoughts

I have not found any disclosed bug about this kind of issue, so I found quite interesting to disclose it. It’s not a new technique but definitely it’s worthy to explore and very cool to chain!

I will share and update this post with more examples of how to approach this attack as soon as disclose more reports of this kind.

The cool thing is that each web application have different behaviours about how they handle it in the javascript, so the impact and type of bug may depend about how do they use it and the pourpose of the affected parameter.

I’m sure this technique can be chained with Relative Path Overwrite Attacks in websites without the DOCTYPE declaration. In the next link you can read an awesome writeup by the magnific James Kettle

Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestion or questions about this and I will be glad to hear it.

Securing applications

The best approach to secure this funcionality in this specific scenario it’s to make a whitelist of allowed CSS filenames to load (As Acronis Team did) and cast the user supplied input to the expected data. In this case, the color_scheme parameter is expected to be a string, so we must just allow [a-zA-Z0-9] characters and avoid any URL character or special signs.

Since this is a very specific scenario, the fix may depend from each website.


This post is not intended to explain what CSS Injection stands for or how to use it to exfiltrate information. In the next links you have some useful info and some great H1 CSS Injection reports.

What’s CSS Injection?

Exfiltrate data with CSS

CSS Injection HackerOne Reports

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